Heightened awareness through the practice of the science of yoga is one of the most precious gems I have collected in this lifetime. Being born in the land where yoga was born thousands of years ago has been a real blessing. Having practiced it for more than 30 years it has opened some of the greatest secret doors & chambers of life to me.

In this section, I aspire to share the gems I collected through intense reading & practice of this science. While volumes have been written on this subject, little connects it to the world of science. Recent developments such as “biophotonics” have enlarged the understanding & scope of how yoga can enrich the life of human beings. For many years I have been working to connect the science of yoga to living life. It’s connect to “instant results” in our mental & emotional health in an another aspect I will be sharing on……


What is “Prana”? “Prana”, also called universal energy, the energy of life, ki, qi, or divine energy, is the substance behind all creation. It is

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