The release of our new product, Compact Identity got me thinking about how “big things can come in small packages” and how “small deeds can cause big changes”.
Ancient Indian ‘Ayurveda’ – a system of medicine that exclusively uses herbs – is known to use only a handful of herbs and in small doses. And yet, its results are remarkable and are now being documented.
From healing small maladies to reversing terminal illnesses, Ayurveda is rapidly gaining popularity in the west for its small footprint and big impact.
Only a few minutes of practicing yoga in a dedicated manner is being seen to have profound impacts on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Just 10 minutes a day boasts results such as reducing blood-pressure and insulin requirements in diabetics and curing back pain and almost every known sickness.
Prana is not even a microscopic phenomenon – it is sub-atomic. And yet it is being observed to be the very building block of both life and consciousness – movement and that which lets movement exist within its space of pure being. Prana is everywhere and yet we don’t even notice it.
Mosquitos are small but lethal. They are responsible for more human deaths than any other creature on our planet.
Pay attention to small things for they might surprise you greatly.