There are many advisors in this world. But there is no better advisor than a failed entrepreneur.


Everyone can and will advise you. The VCs, your earlier colleagues, customers, prospects, senior managers from other companies…. even an air hostess during one of the flight gave me a lecture on being an entrepreneur! You must take all the advice that you get with an open mind.

“Criticism is the highest form of flattery.” You must remember this when your ego wishes to annihilate your critic. Entrepreneurs can carry high quantities of false ego in them. This can be the most fatal amongst all issues. Ego can make some people work harder, as they have to prove a point. More often it is the single biggest reason for failure. Listening to advice can be difficult.

The value of a failed entrepreneur is seldom realized by others. Having travelled through the road unsuccessfully provides one with a premium certificate to be an advisor!

There is an ancient saying “I will keep my critics in my courtyard providing them the highest comfort possible”.

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