Spirituality: East vs. West, can the twain meet?

“Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”, said the Nobel Laurette Rudyard Kipling. Today, we will examine this chasm from the angle of spirituality. Eastern cultures have typically been regarded by the world as keen sources of spiritual learning. It’s true that Eastern civilizations, particularly in India and […]

5 Nutritional Supplements to Help Your Body Cope with Resistance Training

Those who train with weights have different nutritional needs from those that do not. This even applies to those who do exercises that are not resistance-based, such as cardio, swimming, spinning, etc. Here are 5 essential supplements to help your body cope with the stress of resistance training. Fish oil, extracted from the skins of […]

Why Modern Medicine Fails, and How Holistic Science has Answers

In our last blog, we discussed the concept of perfect health. We talked about the fact that medical science looks at the body in a very rigid way; as a fixed structure that is naturally subject to disease and aging. It considers cases of self-healing such as spontaneous remissions as freak incidents; outliers from the […]

How to Achieve “Perfect Health”?

The concept of health has been evolving over the last few decades. What was initially thought to be simply the absence of disease, is now perceived as an integrated universe in which our minds, emotions, and bodies are not only disease-free, but in a state of joy and radiance. The body is recognized, not as […]

What Does It Mean to be Healthy? A New Frontier in Understanding

As the age of enlightenment progresses, new scientific dimensions are uncovered every day. Sometimes they cause a diametrical shift in thinking. One such area is health, and what it really means to be healthy. Owing to a staggering amount of research in the field, what was known just a decade ago has been replaced almost […]