Ashtanga Yoga Part 2: The Final 4 Steps

In our last article, we discussed Ashtanga Yoga, the ancient yogi Patanjali’s 8 step yoga for achieving spiritual enlightenment. You can read it here. It is different from modern yoga. While modern yoga has some steps from this kind of yoga, it is very limited and aims for physical health. The purpose is different and […]

Basics of Ashtanga (Patanjali) Yoga: Part 1

Ashtanga Yoga, also known as Patanjali Yoga, is a comprehensive, multi-step yoga system devised by the sage Patanjali who lived circa 200 BC. Unlike modern yoga, which is mainly stretches and mostly for improved physical health, Patanjali Yoga was a process for attaining enlightenment, also called moksha or liberation. It is considered by many the […]

5 Health Supplements for The Average Gym-goer

Different genders, body types, genetics, and activity levels have different nutritional needs. But general guidelines based on scientific understanding and averages can easily benefit anyone that chooses to follow them. Fish OilNot to be mistaken for your mother’s cod liver oil, which only contains the nutrient profile from the liver of one species of fish, […]

Diet – The Fine Line Between Fad and Fab

Diet prescriptions and trends are something almost everyone thinks about. Often to reduce weight, people flock to this or that diet in search of answers to their weight problems. The answer is both more simple and complex than you might think. Diets are not about what to eat, but what your body needs and how […]

Sushi is one of the most beloved foods of many people around the world today

Sushi is one of the most beloved foods of many people around the world today. A Japanese dish made primarily with ingredients like rice, seaweed, and raw seafood, sushi has become a worldwide phenomenon today and innovative fusion recipes such as the California Roll (crab, avocado and cucumber wrapped in rice and seaweed) are very […]