Loving Vincent : A movie

I just watched the movie “Loving Vincent”. Vincent Van Gogh needs no introduction. One of the leaders of the Impressionist painting era that finally captivated the world of art, he had sold only one painting till his death.  He was supported by his loving brother Theo who believed in him regardless of Vincent’s commercial failure ( Parents should draw a lesson from this on supporting and trusting their children , rather than making them fall in line with their beliefs ….often guided by collective (Un) consciousness of the society).  The life of Vincent is one of the most blazing examples of the struggle often genius  have to go through in our mediocre society.   The life of Vincent has been one of my greatest inspirations in my work with Cross Identity (Formerly Ilantus) where during the times of greatest struggle one has wondered whether success is what others consider or lies in  in your satisfaction of having put in your best.

This beautiful movie is certainly one of the best I have ever seen. It  has made history in the genre of Animation cinema – a precious gift from devoted film-makers. Vincent painted the portrait of Joseph Roulin, Postmaster of Arles. The film tells us the story of Vincent’s life and last months before his death on 29 July, 1890 (aged 37) from a self-inflicted gun-shot wound, via the device of the postmaster’s son being sent on a mission to deliver a letter from Vincent to his brother, which has been returned.. The postmaster Roulin knew and loved Vincent, because these two loving brothers kept up a very frequent correspondence. These letters have been published elsewhere and make very moving reading.

Generated by 65,000 paintings by over a 100 artist from Poland and Greece , Loving Vincent is living work of art. First shot as a live action depiction then adapted into paintings, the immersive gallery of scenes is a first in new format of animation. Directors: Dorota Kobiela, and Hugh Welchman take Van Gogh’s own artistry into his own biography (almost), from Citizen Kane style narrative, assessing and celebrating the life of one of the worlds if not the most famous painter. From this production becomes transporting cinema experience into the world of Van Gogh and an enchanting watch of magnificent painting and animation.

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